1:1 Coaching with Julie Colwell, PhD
move out of old patterns into new possibilities
Offering: $375
My Approach to Coaching:
I’m a pragmatist: If I’ve found it works, I use it. Having seen clients for upwards of 45,000 hours, I have created a modality that honors where you are, how you got there, and how you’ve always been doing the best you could, while opening up a new path to ease, flow, and full expression of your essence. I’m a coach in the true sense of the word, watching what feedback your current life is giving you, teaching you new skills, and supporting you to integrate those new approaches into your life.
Meet Julie
Julie is the founder of the Evolutionary Power Institute in Boulder, Colorado, where she sees clients and teaches workshops, runs intensive groups, and spreads the word to as many people as she can about what the embodiment of true power looks like.
She’s fascinated by relationship dynamics, and specifically the powerful energetics of moving out of struggle into flow. She lives in Boulder, Colorado, with her wife of 35 years and their two adopted canines.
Find out more about Julie at https://www.juliacolwell.com , or https://www.evolutionarypower.