Impact with Integrity
How to Repair the World Without Breaking Yourself
even if you feel overworked, overwhelmed, exhausted, and afraid right now
If you’re a front-line supervisor, c-suite executive, or board member of a foundation, nonprofit, or government agency looking to maximize impact without burning out then you already know that something has to change.
Everyone in the Billions Institute community has been working on social change for many years, often decades.
We know first-hand the toll of scarcity, overwork, and overwhelm on your work and on your morale, and we’ve found a better way.
We’ve distilled the approach that took years for us to master into this powerful course.
We know you’ll see an immediate difference on your ability to have an impact in the world and on your overall well-being.

By the end of this program, you will…
>> Address and resolve your biggest challenges as a leader
Whether it is micromanagement, scarcity (not enough time and/or money), difficulty making decisions, or a toxic work culture, you will gain the tools, skills, and mindset shifts that you can use to transform these dynamics.
>> Bring your whole and best self to your work every single day
Do you feel like you have to put on a costume each day you go to work, covering over your true self so you can fit into the demands of your work environment? If yes, we will help you reconnect with your most authentic self and find ways express that, so you can leave the work costume in the closet where it belongs.
>> Maximize your influence, regardless of how much or how little formal authority you may have.
We all know you don’t have to be the boss to be a leader. This course will help you make decisions about what you want to change and take steps to do so in a way that is consistent with your values. You will tap into your inherent personal power, no matter your official title.
>> Free up your creativity so you can have a greater impact on the issues that matter to you.
When our brains are in survival mode, they can only do one thing: help us survive. And that’s great when survival is at stake. Unfortunately, our brains can be a bit over-vigilant, and the result is we lose access to our creativity and to our ability to form authentic relationships. This course will help you make the shift from surviving to thriving, one choice at a time.
>> Master the inner work of social change.
Your effectiveness as a leader of social change “out there” cannot be done without the work “in here.” Let’s do that work together.
“This course takes overused buzzwords such as: ‘burnout’ and ‘self-care,’ and transforms it into bite-sized actionable steps to take ownership over your own process, capacity, and commitments. In addition to learning about (and putting into practice) a radical shift to approaching social change internally and externally, this course also enables deep connections with folks all over the globe. Folks who are just as passionate and curious about how to stay engaged in the difficult work of social change. I cannot recommend this course, and community, highly enough! 10/10 would do it all again.”

Here’s what you’re getting
when you enroll today
Immediate access to 6 modules with 24 lessons to work at a pace that works for you.
Each lesson has a short video and a worksheet to help you adapt and apply the lessons right away.
Course workbook with access to individual exercises to share with your team.
Not too much, not too little – just right amount of content for busy change leaders
Lifetime access to the material
Invitation to Becky’s personal substack for monthly office hours

– Devin Osorio, NYC Salt

– Helen Smith, NHS Forensic Psychiatrist

– Michelle Molitor, The Equity Lab
What’s Inside Impact With Integrity?
Module 1
Face Your Challenge
Face into the organizational structures and oppressive power dynamics that may be hindering your work. Get really clear on the problem you seek to solve.
Module Highlights:
- Initial Assessment: First Pass at Identifying Your Challenge
- What Toxic Organizational Dynamics Are You Experiencing?
- What Oppressive Societal Dynamics Are you Experiencing?
Module 2
Embrace Your Power
We all have agency to make changes, no matter what our circumstances, but to truly embrace our power means making an intentional, conscious, choice to embrace our power. In this module, we explore all the ways we may be unconsciously sabotaging ourselves and reckon with the positional power and societal power we have in this particular situation. Then, from an embodied place of choice, we decide whether or not to move forward.
Module Highlights:
- How Are You Unconsciously Allowing Your Challenge to Persist?
- Meeting and Interviewing your Personas
- Embracing Your Societal and Positional Power
- Choosing Your Personal Power
Module 3
Clarify Your Commitment – Part I
Commitment is where we’re going, but not without bypassing all the wisdom and truths our bodies are trying to communicate with us. In this module, we will gain skills for tuning into our body intelligence and finding the clarity that comes on the other side of giving ourselves permission to listen to ourselves.
Module Highlights:
- Giving Yourself Permission to Feel your Feelings
- Befriending Sadness and Letting Go
- Using Anger to Advance Justice
- Moving Through Your Feelings to the Gift of Clarity on the Other Side
Module 4
Clarify Your Commitment – Part II
Building on the previous module, as we gain clarity on what we really want, we refine that by tuning into our authentic yeses and nos and going through a proven process to clarify our commitment.
Module Highlights:
- Knowing your Yeses and Your Nos
- From Wanting to Willing to Commitment
Module 5
Shift The Context – Part I
Now that you know what you are committed to, this is where we move out into our relationships with others and introduce a shift. We slow down in these lessons to ensure that you really know how to shift the context from entitlement to appreciation and from concealing to revealing. These two skills alone have the power to change everything in your life for the better.
Module Highlights:
- From Entitlement to Appreciation
- From Concealing to Revealing
Module 6
Shift The Context – Part II
We close our our course by slowing down to master two more shift moves: proactively changing agreements that no longer work for you and stepping more fully into your genius. These are incredibly powerful shift moves and when done well will have a huge impact on your work environment and your personal well-being.
Module Highlights:
- Proactively Changing Agreements that No Longer Work for You
- Claim Your Genius
We Guarantee You’ll See the Benefits

If you’re not seeing the changes you hope for, reach out and we’ll help you through your challenge or make it right.
Still not happy? Show us that you’ve done the work within the first 14 days of the course start date and we will gladly give you a full refund.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get private coaching to help me through the modules?
Yes! Use this link to learn more about Becky’s private coaching offering.
Is this course suitable for my team or best for individuals?
That depends. Sometimes nothing is more powerful for teams than a leader who can be transparent and vulnerable. Other times the situation is not safe for one to do so. If you need help figuring this out, feel free to reach out to Becky and she can talk you through whether this course or another may be best for you and/or your team:
What if my organization is paying for me?
Once the course is purchased you will receive a receipt which can be presented for reimbursement.
What if I need more coaching after the course?
We have amazing coaching partners and more curated resources for you as we know friends don’t let friends lead social change alone! To check out all our coaches you can visit this page.
Course Offering
One time payment of $88

I can’t wait to share Impact With Integrity with you
I created this course to give you what it took me more than six years to learn to integrate into my own practice as a social change leader. Once I start putting the principles that I teach in this course to work in my own life, I found that my work was substantially more effective while at the same time I enjoyed greater peace of mind and well-being than ever before.
If you are engaged in work to make the world a better place, but yearning to be more effective and also to make sure there’s room for you in your own life, too, then you’ve found the right place.
I’m confident that if you do the work, your life will never be the same. And I also understand that doing this inner work is not for everyone. To honor your path and eliminate any risk in taking this leap, I am offering a 14-day money back guarantee. Just show me you’ve done the work and that it’s not working for you, and we will provide a full refund immediately.
This course is near and dear to my heart and I am so happy to share what I’ve learned with you so that you can put it to work in your own leadership and life right away.
I hope to see you in the next course.
Yours in service and solidarity,