Unapologetic Genius:
A step-by-step journey for social change leaders
to maximize your impact
without burning out.
CTRL + ALT + DEL “business as usual”

They say hindsight is 20/20, but nobody saw 2020 coming. We’ll be adapting and adjusting to the experience for years to come.
Yet amid the tragedy, fear of the unknown, and social awakening, a huge opportunity was created for leaders and organizations all over the world to put “business as usual” under a microscope.
Right now, there’s a window of opportunity to revisit your assumptions around the way things “should be” when it comes to your relationship with your work. This is your chance to let go of so-so and step fully into your genius.
Does this sound like you?
you want:
… a massive infusion of grant money so you can hire more people (allowing you to focus on what you’re good at and delegating the rest)?
… to be appreciated for your contributions at work (an award would be nice, but a sincere “thank you” would be even better)?
… someone to magically add four more hours to each day (those reports aren’t going to write themselves)?
… the life-changing work of your organization to get done and get done well (no more looking over everyones’ shoulders to make sure they’re doing their best)?
… a vacation (or maybe just 8 solid hours of uninterrupted, worry-less sleep)?
All of the above are indicators that you’re feeling the squeeze of burnout.
Breaking news: Other formidable change leaders have felt the same way you feel right now.

They wanted the external circumstances of their lives to change.
But what they *NEEDED* was to change their inner orientation to the work.
To do that they needed to step unapologetically into their genius.
Helping you do that, too, is my personal mission.
The social change leader’s “woo woo can of whoop ass”
“Woo woo can of whoop ass?” That’s right, I’m Becky, the social change leadership whisperer, and I will not tolerate you playing small. I’m here to help you make your big dent in the Universe and to remind you to be true to yourself along the way.
As the Co-Founder of The Billions Institute, I train leaders from every nook and cranny of the social sector how to spread and scale their solutions to some of the world’s most vexing problems, while not losing themselves along the way.
While I am a middle-aged “Boo” to two kids and a cat named Sneakers, I’m also *that person* who says out loud what everyone else is thinking (until my wife kicks my shins underneath the table). So be prepared for honest feedback on your journey to stepping into your genius.

Let me share my genius journey with you.
I might be a social change leadership whisperer now, but it wasn’t always this way.
Much like you, I spent years – decades – of my life – believing that the only way I could get ahead was to say “yes” to anything and everything that I was asked to do, whether or not I was any good at it at all.
I have a lengthy track record of…
… taking one for the team (I sacrificed all.the.time.)
… biting off more than I could chew (massive grant report due in two days? No problem!)
… over-committing, deferring vacations, & skipping meals (my health and wellness suffered.)
… growing resentful (of taking on what felt like too much.)
… believing I couldn’t possibly get paid to do what I love (I mean, who would pay for that?)
… hoping nobody would notice when I sucked at something (and feeling deeply wounded when someone, inevitably, noticed.)

But my life changed when I learned about genius from Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks back in 2012.
I gradually acknowledged and let go of tasks that I wasn’t good at. This might sound privileged or easy, but let me tell you – it was hard to do until I learned how to de-couple my self-worth and my false beliefs about the flow of money from the pervasive myth that work should be hard.
You know the myth all too well…
… It’s virtuous to be extremely busy? Yep.
… Making money in the social benefit sectors? Um…No. You’re supposed to sacrifice for the greater good.
… Work is fun? N-O. That’s why it’s called “work.”
… Bring your full self to work and showcase your personality? Nope. It’s not safe or acceptable.
By letting go of these false beliefs – and of my own areas of incompetence – I began to create the space in my life to tune more deeply into my genius.
Genius was what I loved doing, which had a tremendous impact, and didn’t even feel like work to me.
At first I felt guilty because I was still unwinding the “work should be hard” myth. And yet, over the years, I have opened up more and more to expressing and contributing from what I understand to be my genius. I am so glad I had the courage to take this journey.
The first time I made a commitment to live in my genius – and I remember the exact moment I did this – I committed to living in my genius at least 50% of the time. Once I made that commitment – and returned to it again and again – my entire life changed way for the better.
I became my own “woo woo can of whoop ass.”
This workshop will challenge you to face into everything that is holding you back or burning you out as a social change or social justice leader. But you won’t do it alone. I will be with you every step of the way and we’ll do it together.
Unapologetic Genius will be most helpful if you:
- Work in some way to make the world a better place (that’s why you’re called social change leader).
- Are done with feeling burned out (and suffering & sacrificing until you want to quit).
- Want to discover and express your genius more in the world (so you are happier and feel more effective).
- Are willing to discard some limiting beliefs in your life (so you can make your big dent in the Universe).
- Are willing to commit to 1 to 2 hours a week for 6 weeks to integrate and apply what we’re going to teach you (you have to make the effort).
AND you
- Are open to receiving coaching and mentorship (feedback, baby).
- Are willing to experience these life-changing lessons with a group of like-minded and like-hearted people (think: genius support group to reassure you that you’re not alone).
- Understand that this won’t happen overnight, but that you can begin now (fully stepping into your genius takes a minute!)
Oh, and what you really want is to:
- Generate and enjoy plenty of time and money to do the things that matter most to you.
- Serve your family, your community, your organization in such a way that they get the very best you have to offer on your terms.
- Bring out the best in your colleagues so that they can show up in their genius, too.
- Enjoy the confidence that comes from knowing that you are contributing in a way that is fully aligned with your own talents and passions.
- Be seen, valued, and appreciated for who you are at your core without taking on any additional responsibilities to please others.
Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:
Unapologetic Genius begins the day you register.
You will receive a link to complete a 20-minute EEOC compliant assessment called the Kolbe A™. Then, you’ll be invited to schedule an individual genius coaching session ($300 value) with Nancy Stubbs.
Nancy coaches our staff, faculty, and all the fellows at the Billions Institute on their Kolbe results and ties it to their genius, and we’re delighted to connect you with her.
She has assessed nearly 2,000 people and has coached over 800 leaders in the last 6 years using conation as a foundational exploration of genius. You’ll be able to put what you learn through this assessment and coaching session to use immediately.
In early October, we will release the first module of the course. You may begin working asynchronously.
On October 12th, we will begin our 6-week live run of the course, with weekly sessions to guide you and support you in integrating and adapting the most helpful lessons for getting you into your genius.

We Guarantee You’ll See the Benefits

If you’re not seeing the changes you hope for, reach out and we’ll help you through your challenge or make it right.
Still not happy? Show us that you’ve done the work within the first 14 days of the course start date in October and we will gladly give you a full refund minus the costs of the Kolbe Assessment and session with Nancy Stubbs.
Ultimately, I want this course to help you and here is how:
- Identify the sources of burnout in your life and eliminate them entirely.
- Discover and claim, without hesitation, your genius – own it!
- Gain clarity about your “not-so-genius” areas and do less and less from that place.
- Releasing any false beliefs you have about “work” and what you have to do to get ahead.
- Creating the space and conditions for others on your team to contribute in their zone of genius as well.
For this to change your life, I encourage you to consider the following:
- You have the answers inside of you. All we’re going to do is ask better questions.
- You have the courage to change your life for the better. All we’re going to do is give you a gentle nudge every now and then.
- You have within you everything you need to fulfill your purpose and make your big dent in the Universe. All we’re going to do is hold the space for you to decide when, where, and how you’re gonna do just that.
Trust us when we tell you:
- You do have genius – there is nobody in the world who doesn’t have genius!
When you fully step into your genius:
- Your work will be far more effective and have greater impact.
- Your life will be more spacious and joyful.
- Your organization will benefit from you investing this time in your own development.
- You deserve it, too.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I’ve already completed a Kolbe A assessment?
Already done the Kolbe A Assessment and met with Nancy in the past? Reach out to Selena.
What if I don’t want to do the Kolbe Assessment?
We are not here to tell you what you can and cannot do. If you don’t want to – you don’t have to!
That in mind, this course is designed around unleashing genius which is why we have included this resource. If you plan on getting the most out of our time together, we highly recommend you take the assessment.
What if I’ve done strengths finder or some other assessment?
That’s great! Bring everything you got!
What if I need more coaching after the course?
Graduates of all our courses are invited to join our monthly Coaching Community for $99/month for as long as you’d like to join with no minimum months required.
Attend when you can and listen to recordings when you can’t! We have amazing coaching partners and more curated resources for you as we know friends don’t let friends lead social change alone!
What if my organization is paying for me?
Once the course is purchased you will receive a receipt which can be presented for reimbursement. If you won’t be paying directly and need an invoice to submit to your organization instead please reach out to selena@billionsinstiute.com
What do I do between now and October?
Schedule your Kolbe A assessment and 101 with Nancy Stubbs! Instructions will be sent as soon as you purchase the course.
We also encourage you to stay engaged with our newsletter and social media! Get to know us and our community of thousands of social change leaders making their big dent.
Your personal invitation – minus the postage
If you’re seeking permission to invest in your growth and professional development, to build your capacity to contribute through your genius, that is something only you can give to yourself.
We would LOVE to see you in this course, if it’s what you want and need at this time in your life.
We are not interested in tweaking your scarcity any further than it’s already tweaked. When you’re ready, we will be here. If not now, maybe next year!
So if you are ready, I look forward to seeing you in this course and helping you fully step into your genius.